Have you been looking for a way to carry your cards, cash, and important information that fits your style? Are you tired of just using a money clip? Whenever you go shopping for a wallet, does each seem less attractive than the last? You certainly aren’t alone. Indeed, a wallet/personal organizer can be one of…
LAMY Pens Lx: Luxury Defined
Writing should be pleasurable. It should be something you enjoy, that you can lose yourself in. That should be true whether you’re writing your next novel, your next grocery shopping list, or anything in between. To truly “lose yourself” in writing something, however, you need the correct pen. If it doesn’t feel right in your…
Filofax Organizers: Start 2021 Off Right |The Write Touch LA |
2020 has been rough on just about everyone, but have you felt particularly disorganized? Does it seem like no matter how hard you tried, there was just no way to get things together? If so, you’re not alone in that. As busy as our lives are (even if we’re spending much more time around our…
A LAMY Pen Gift Set for Everyone in Your Life | The Write Touch LA |
Have you reached the point where there are some folks in your life you just aren’t sure what to get them? Do you know that you have to get something for disparate people in your life (such as colleagues, co-workers, and also some relatives) and it just seems like you can’t think of the right…
Stay on Top of Things in Style With a Filofax Organizer
Stay on Top of Things in Style With a Filofax Organizer Have you been struggling to organize your life using your phone? If so, you’re not alone. So many of us try to use our phones to keep on top of all of our day to day events. But, when you’re on your phone, there’s…